Mr. Chea Vuthy, 35 year-old, he was married with 5 children, Chom Chao village, Sankat Chom Chao, Khan Posenchey, Phnom Penh, he is a Tuk Tuk driver. 

After he got loan from Vattanac Sahakum Organization (VSO), he sold his old Tuk Tuk and bought new Tuk Tuk for investment his job as Tuk Tuk driver. Now he gets income from his job USD 10.00 approximately 40,000 KHR per day made his family’s livelihood is better. Moreover, his children went to school regularly. He said that “I am much appreciated for Angka Vattanac Sahakum has provided loan for me bought new Tuk Tuk until my income is better than much more. For example: nowadays I can earn up to 10.00 US Dollars per day for support my family expenditures. If has no loan from Ankar Vattanac Sahakum, may I have no chance today…”

Right now he have gotten loan cycle 5 from Vattanac Sahakum Organization (VSO) to invest his job for daily income improving. In sum up, Mr. Chea Vuthy is a potential client full of commitment, proactive, and good performance. He is playing very important role for his job to increase family’s income more. 

Ms. Sorn Chanthoeurn, 31 year-old, she was married lives at Trapeang Thloeurng village, Sankat Chom Chao, Khan Posenchey, Phnom Penh. She is a factory worker with 3 children, and her husband is Mr. Chan Phalla, 40 year-old, he is blacksmith.

After she has gotten the loan cycle 5 from VSO to expand her husband’s business, now her family’s income is much better than before and the number of her good orders has been increased as well. She mentioned “I am very appreciated and satisfied with my job present and very much thankfully to Vattanac Sahakum always provides loan for us that make our scope of business as well as customer’s market become more and more, especially our income is much better. We will try my best to improve our own business and job so on”.

In conclusion, she is an active female client and a good female business leader in her family for learning by practicing follow her model. She has also high commitment, fast learning, loyalty and willing to improve biger and biger of her business in near the future.

Ms. Peanh Sokunthea, 34 year-old lives in Trapeang Thloeung village, Sankat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh. She was married with 2 children and she was holding occupation of sewing at her own house.

After she got loan cycle 3 from Vattanac Sahakum Organization (VSO), now the laundry business has been added one more for her job, this new business made she’s much busy and increased income better than. She affirmed that “before I have only one career was sewing at my house, I really got less income. Sometime I could not earn like rainy season. Since I got loan from Hm...Vattanac Hm... Sahakum, am I right? Now I have two businesses in the same time that made my income has been increased from day-to-day. And I never forget Vattnac Sahakum that delivered loan for me for improvement of my business!”

To put in brief, Ms. Sokunthea who is a proactive woman can be flexible and adaptation well in performing the businesses with clear vision for future goal.

Ms. Seng Sokheang, 42 year-old, she got married with 2 two children lives at Chom Chao village, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Posenchey, Phnom Penh. She is a seller dessert at Canacity market along the Veng Sreng Blvd.

Right now, she has more than ten kinds of dessert for sale on the rectangular table every day and increased incomes and clients much better than before noticeable. She claimed “Until now Vattanac Sahakum providd me the loan cycle 2 for expansion my business... before I have only few kinds of dessert for sale in market because I have no enough money. But now I have more than ten kinds of dessert made I can earn much better than before... I’m happy my job and would like express my honestly thanks for Vattanac Sahakum Organization which gave loan for me. I think what I have achieved is a part of contribution from Vattanac Sahakum as well!” 

Generally, Ms. Sokheang who is a good client always tried her best with full commitment, effort in setting clear up her goal for achievements; especially she is a best mother and wife models in family comfortable harmony.
Ms. Chorn Vanna, 32 year-old, she got married with 1 child lives in Trapeang Thloeung village, Sankat Chom Chao, Khan Posenchey, Phnom Penh. 

After received loan from VSO, she has started with the new business sale Nom Banh Chuk (kind of Khmer noodle made by rice) closer Quan Tum garment factory. Right now, she has gotten loan cycle 2 from VSO for expansion her business. “Since I received loan from Angka (organization), I started my new business made my family income situation has been big changed extremely. Actually I can’t forget Angka, when I was challenging fund Angka provided us the very important loan for running new business just we’re better today!” She said.

Finally, Ms. Vanna is a good female has strong challenged in business running with high commitment, loyalty and keeping attitude in positive. She is also the top clients’ rank of Vattanac Sahakum Organization! 
Ms. Nhoun Anh, 37 year-old lives in Trapeang Thloeung village, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Posenchey, Phnom Penh. She was married with two children.

After she received loan from Vattanac Sahakum Organization (VSO), she bought a second hand Moto and a machine for producing the water cane. Every day she has moved around garment factories for sale to factory workers. “Since I changed my business, I can earn much than before... and I would like full thanks to Vattanac Sahakum Organization that gave me loan cycle 2 a go for running my business” She mentioned.

In conclusion, Ms. Anh who is an active woman in running business well for increasing her family daily income, with high commitment and effort become business woman model in community and case study for Vattanac Sahakum Organization.

Ms. Chan Nang, 50 year-old, Thmor Kol village, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Posenchey, Phnom Penh. She is seller a little bit something in font her balcony. 

Present, she has goods much more than before and she gets income better also. “Our business has improved unexpectedly because of I get loan from Vattanac Sahakum for expansion my business. Now my family situation is better... you know? My both children did not go to school regularly, but now they go to school normally as students in this community... this is my dream comes true!”

In brief, Ms. Nang is an active woman in business performing with strong commitment and effort for daily income improving.

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